So lemme get this straight...
Akuma (which means "demon" in japanese) sells his soul to a demon....right, whatever. Anyway, so he comes to challenge Ryu and Ken (both of which he considers beneath his notice, useless former students of his brother) and he fights them with newfound power, though he never uses his shun goku satsu, his gou hadoken, or any of his moves that don't suck. After whooping ass on Chun Li (and the little soap opera bit with ken "oh Chun Li, I need you, I think I have a crush on you") and kicking Ken, Chun Li, and Ryu's asses all at the same time using basic moves, he somehow gets killed off by a single shinkuu hadouken. Oh, and you didn't actually draw any of the art except for the horrible hadokens. Yeah, I'm sorry, but I'm afraid this fails.