Tomorrow is CLOCK DAY! This is the day when the glorious CLOCK CREW shall descend from our cloistered, illuminati Olympus and bombard the Portal (or whatever it is these days) with masterful flash animations THE LIKES OF WHICH YOU ARE INCAPABLE OF EQUALING.
Think you can do better? By all means, show us what you've got! Tomorrow is the day to unload all the flash you can muster, and to vote five and be rewarded with a bounty of protection points from His Highness, StrawberryClock.
The Clock Crew has outdone itself this year, with multiple collabs and several big movies coming up, so don't be an asshat and miss it just because of team fortress robots or something!
I shall vote five for great justice!
Also, nice use of Latin there.
It's horrifying how much thought I put into that